12:22 AM

My well running dry

I recently got the chance to travel to Swaziland with a my christian friends from campus ministry and this would be my first time out of the country. Midway through the planning and the support raising, I pulled out of the mission- a move that was not well received or perceived by my friends and my friends started asking me why.
Well I discovered for a start that my well had run dry and while ministry is infact expected of me as a christian, it needed to come from an overflow of my relationship with God; my time spent with God from my growing relationship with Him. At that particular time, I had found myself to be so dry, lacking of me-God time. I had been so preoccupied with activities that would seem to put me at a better place with God : Monday bible study fellowship, Tuesday School of leadership, Wednesday -AIESEC, Thursday - Campus Life meetings; Friday - some Kesha or sleepover or just something came up. Considering that I had classes the whole day, I found no time to be in the secret, in the quiet with the Lord and just have my QT (Quiet Times) and pray and study the word of God.
You see, for most Christians, QT is not an essential part of their lifestyle, It is what 'over spiritual christian' usually does but for them its not necessary. In our walk with God, we are expected to be continuously grow in knowing the Lord and how can you know the Lord if you don't spend time with Him? To truly claim to know the Lord is to truly  cultivate your relationship with Him.
So as for my mission, I'd prefer that I first spend time with the Lord. as from Mark 3:14 , Jesus calls us first to spend time with Him before we go do His service. You see, If you have not spent time with God, you have no business doing His service. Watch out so that you will not be caught in the trap of saying 'I am doing enough as a christian in my relationship with God'. If you expect the person you are dating to create time for you, How much more does God expect you to spent time with God? The one who created you and died for you so that He could be with you. Think about it.

11:15 PM

If I've ever needed you

Hear our cry, Lord we pray,
Our faces down, our hands are raised,
You called us out, we turned away, we’ve turned away.
With ship wrecked faith, idols rise,
We do what is right, in our own eyes,
Our children now, will pay the price,
We need Your light, Lord, shine Your light.

If we’ve ever needed You, Lord, it’s now, Lord, it’s now,
We are desperate for Your hand, we’re reachin’ out, we’re reachin’ out.

All our hearts, all our strength,
With all our minds, we’re at Your fate,
May Your Kingdom come, in our hearts and lives,
Let Your Church arise, let Your Church arise!

If we’ve ever needed You, Lord, it’s now, Lord, it’s now,
We are desperate for Your hand, we’re reachin’ out, we’re reachin’ out, we’re reachin’ out
If we’ve ever needed You, Lord, it’s now, Lord, it’s now,
We’re are desperate for Your hand, we’re reachin’ out, we’re reachin’ out,
If we’ve ever needed You, Lord, it’s now, Lord, it’s now,
We are desperate for Your hand, we’re reachin’ out, we’re reachin’ out
We need You now
Revive us now
We need You now